Thursday, January 3, 2013

Past, Present, and Future

Don't you just love being judged for your past instead of your present or future? 
It kind of irritates me beyond words. 
Sure I fucked up in my past and did some really stupid shit. 
But why cant we just put it behind us and forget it like we want to? 
Probably because people will always be hanging it over your head, 
reminding you of all the fuck ups you had. 
Then they won't take you serious when you try to change, 
and think your full of shit and your not changing in any way. 
The funny thing is...  
It's usually our friends who do it the most to us. 
It's kind of bullshit, and I hate it. 
But what can we do?  
Just keep our heads up! 
And sweetly tell them to FUCK OFF!