Thursday, January 3, 2013

Past, Present, and Future

Don't you just love being judged for your past instead of your present or future? 
It kind of irritates me beyond words. 
Sure I fucked up in my past and did some really stupid shit. 
But why cant we just put it behind us and forget it like we want to? 
Probably because people will always be hanging it over your head, 
reminding you of all the fuck ups you had. 
Then they won't take you serious when you try to change, 
and think your full of shit and your not changing in any way. 
The funny thing is...  
It's usually our friends who do it the most to us. 
It's kind of bullshit, and I hate it. 
But what can we do?  
Just keep our heads up! 
And sweetly tell them to FUCK OFF!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Pissed OFF!!! SIck of people!!

Why in the hell can't people just trust what you say?!  And why in the hell do people have to freak the hell out if you sleep for over 24 hours?!  Why do people have to infer things?  If I say "I love you!" That means I LOVE YOU!!  And only you!! If I didn't love you I would not say I do and I would not be with you or even waist my time!!!  
And freaking out on me because I can sleep for over 24 hours without waking up... Maybe I needed the god damn sleep plus what did I have to do that I couldn't sleep?  Oh yeah thats right nothing!!  Plus I'm sick!! And how dare you even compare a phone ringing and me not waking up to the future how if I can not wake up to a phone ringing that I will not be able to wake up to a baby crying!!  One a phone is not constant!  Two!  A baby is COMPLETELY Different than a fucking CELL PHONE that is on SILENT!!  
And if I say I love you then I mean it!!  I do not lie about that shit!!  And I am the kind of person that if I am not happy I will no longer be with you and I do not like you I will LEAVE despite your feelings!! I do what is best for me!!   And what makes me happy not you if I do not like you!!  How you feel does not matter to me!! But on the other hand if I love you how you feel matters!!  But you DON NOT need to put words in my mouth!!! >:(
And Why the hell do annoying people with annoying voices insist on talking ALL OF the time!!?  Why cant they shut up for once?!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11 Raint!!! American? Not if you have this ignorance!!!

Today is the 11th anniversary of 9/11! And as a nation in schools what happened is as always we were learning and talking more about the events that happened on that day in 2000.  And well lets just cut to the chase!!  I think that as US citizens we should be required to know and learn about that day and what happened!  Because on September 11th, 2000 the United States was attacked!  And hundreds of innocent people lost their lives!  It was for no reason that they lost their lives!  And this terrorist attack is a HUGE deal and also has a great deal of importance to our country!  Because of that attack is the main reason we have been in a war for 11 years!!  And I do not think it is acceptable to refuse to know or even learn about it!  Kids in other countries are required to learn about 9/11 in their country and it wasn't even their country that was attacked!  So I find it rather ignorant to refuse to know!  And it just shows a large amount of your ignorance too leave classrooms when as a class we are discussing the events of that day!  I think people who are like that and do that need to leave this country!!  And should NOT even consider themselves Americans!!  Its pisses me the hell off to NO END!!!!!!!!!

My 9/11 Drawing

We all need to Stand United to Remember 9/11!!